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4th April 2010, the day which I set off for Tokyo for my business trip in Japan. It was quite exciting for me as I love Japan much more than any other countries. I can also get to meet our business associate in Misaki City as I would like to see their office and workshop. Although I may be flying to Tokyo, I am actually staying in Misaki. You might be wondering where it is, well, it is about 2 hrs drive from Narita Airport in Chiba, past Tokyo then Yokohama, Yokosuka then here we are, Misaki. Misaki is a very small city if to compare with Tokyo. It is the country side look of Japan, it is in fact, more of a fishing village where I will be staying. Senmu San was at airport early to pick me up. Weather is 6 degree C and how comfortably cool and it was raining that day, waited outside breathing the fresh air while I wait for Senmu San to drive his car over. I may speak too early, 6 degree C plus raining is all right if I stay out for 10 mins, but for 20 mins, it was starting to freeze (for me) as Senmu San does not know how to drive his car from car park to my waiting area. I followed him to the car park and off we go to Misaki.
Here we are, the hotel is near to the fishing port. Interesting and also a different experience for me to see how country life is. The only complain I have, city too dark after 7pm, no activity at all, nowhere to go, so stay in hotel room and watch tv after work every day.
Senmu San says that I am lucky as Cherry Blossom season just started a day before I reach Japan. See above picture of Sakura in Misaki City, beautiful right?
Sakura in Tokyo when I was there visiting some customers. The Cherry Blossom did start to wither when I was about to go back to Singapore too. Sad....
Tokyo Tower, I always wanted to see this tower. Seeing this tower reminds me of a sad Japanese drama serial, "Tokyo Tower - My mum & I, sometimes Dad". I did cry like a baby when I watch this drama, so touching.
This is the president's car, Kasakura San, who drives me to Tokyo in his huge Nissan Cima 4.5 V8